* United States (1-27)
* Albania (28-31)
* Australia (32-34)
* Austria (35-36)
* Belgium and Belgian Congo (37-41)
* Brazil (42-42)
* Bulgaria (43-45)
* Canada (46-54)
* Canada - Newfoundland (55-58)
* China (59-60)
* Colombia (61-61)
* Czechoslovakia (62-64)
* Denmark (65-65)
* Ecuador (66-66)
* France (67-75)
* French Colonies (76-86)
* Germany (87-97)
* Great Britain (98-104)
* Hungary (105-111)
* Iraq - Mesopotamia (112-113)
* Italy (114-115)
* Italian Colonies (116-119)
* Liberia (120-120)
* Monaco (121-121)
* Netherlands (122-130)
* Poland (131-135)
* Portuguese East Africa (136-136)
* Romania (137-137)
* Russia and Soviet Union (138-177)
* Spain (178-178)
* Sudan (179-179)
* Switzerland (180-186)
* Syria (187-189)
* Thailand (190-190)
* Tunisia (191-193)
* Vatican City (194-202)
* Yugoslavia (203-203)
* Worldwide Zeppelin Flights (204-205)
* Classic Stamps, Proofs and Multiplies (206-237)
* Modern Errors and Varieties (238-357)
* Stamp Booklets (358-374)
* Air Post and Other Back of the Book (375-385)
* Postal History of Alaska (386-388)
* Collections and Large Lots (389-391)
* United States Possessions (392-394)
* United Nations (395-396)
Great Britain (397-408)
* Aden Protectorate States (409-412)
* Antigua (413-413)
* Ascension (414-414)
* Australia (415-417)
* Basutoland (418-418)
* Bechuanaland Protectorate (419-419)
* Bermuda (420-421)
* British Guiana (422-423)
* Burma (424-424)
* British North America (425-440)
* CANADA (441-562)
  - Classic and Kings Issues (441-489)
  - Queen Elizabeth II Errors and Varieties (490-546)
  - Special Delivery and other Back of the Book (547-562)
* Cayman Islands (563-565)
* Cook Islands (566-567)
* Cyprus (568-569)
* Dominica (570-570)
* Egypt (British Forces) (571-571)
* Falkland Islands (572-573)
* Gambia (574-575)
* Ghana (576-576)
* Gold Coast (577-578)
* Hong Kong (579-585)
* Jamaica (586-586)
* Kenya - Uganda - Tanganyika (587-589)
* Malaysia (590-591)
* Malayan States (592-604)
* Mauritius (605-605)
* Montserrat (606-606)
* Morocco Agencies (607-608)
* New Zealand (609-615)
* Niger Coast Protectorate (616-617)
* Nigeria (618-619)
* North Borneo (620-624)
* Nyasaland Protectorate (625-627)
* Oman (628-628)
* Pakistan (629-630)
* Rhodesia (631-635)
* St. Helena (636-643)
* St. Kitts - Nevis (644-644)
* St. Lucia (645-645)
* Sarawak (646-648)
* Solomon Islands (649-649)
* Somaliland Protectorate (650-650)
* South Africa (651-656)
* Southern Rhodesia (657-658)
* South West Africa (659-659)
* Sudan (660-664)
* Tristan da Cunha (665-665)
* Turks and Caicos Islands (666-666)
* Virgin Islands (667-667)
* Collections and Large Lots (668-671)
Afghanistan (672-673)
Albania (674-675)
Argentina (676-676)
Armenia (677-685)
Austria (686-703)
Belgian Colonies (704-706)
Bulgaria (707-713)
Cambodia (714-714)
Republic of China (715-718)
People's Republic of China (719-734)
Cuba (735-736)
Czechoslovakia (737-741)
Ecuador (742-742)
Estonia (743-744)
Finland (745-753)
France (754-758)
French Colonies (759-764)
Georgia (765-768)
German States (769-769)
Germany (770-804)
Greece (805-806)
Greenland (807-807)
Guatemala (808-813)
Honduras (814-814)
Hungary (815-826)
Iceland (827-827)
Indonesia (828-828)
Iran (829-832)
Italy (833-846)
Italian Colonies (847-868)
Japan (869-870)
Judaica (871-889)
Laos (890-890)
Latvia (891-894)
Liberia (895-906)
Libya (907-908)
Liechtenstein (909-919)
Lithuania (920-922)
Monaco (923-927)
Mongolia (928-931)
Mozambique Company (932-932)
Nepal (933-934)
Netherlands (935-935)
Poland (936-944)
Portugal (945-945)
Romania (946-951)
* Stationery Items (952-955)
* Postage Stamps and Postal History (956-996)
* Collections and Large Lots (997-1005)
RSFSR Issues 1918-23 (1006-1023)
SOVIET UNION (1024-1167)
* Large Die Proofs (1024-1049)
* Postal Stationery Items (1050-1053)
* Postage Stamps of 1924-1940 (1054-1094)
* Postage Stamps of 1941-1991 (1095-1157)
* Collections and large Lots (1158-1167)
Modern Issues of Russian Federation (1168-1186)
Russian Semi-Postal Issues (1187-1194)
Russian Air Post Stamps and Covers (1195-1202)
Russian Special Delivery Stamps (1203-1203)
Russian Postage Due Stamps (1204-1204)
Philatelic Exchange Tax Stamps (1205-1205)
Various Russian Non-Postal Stamps (1206-1211)
North West Army issues (1212-1213)
Russian Offices in China (1214-1215)
Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire (1216-1221)
Wrangel 's Army Issues (1222-1223)
Russian Locals of the Civil War period (1224-1232)
Zemstvo (Rural Post) Locals (1233-1239)
Saudi Arabia (1240-1247)
Spain (1248-1250)
Sweden (1251-1251)
Switzerland (1252-1256)
Tannu Tuva (1257-1258)
Thrace (1259-1259)
Transcaucasian Federated Republics (1260-1262)
UKRAINE (1263-1331)
* Trident Overprints (1263-1313)
* Local Trident Overprints (1314-1318)
* Semi-Postal Issue (1319-1321)
* Vienna Issue (1322-1323)
* Romanian Occupation of Ukraine (1324-1324)
* Displaced Person Camps (1325-1327)
* Collections and Large Lots (1328-1331)
Vatican City (1332-1335)
North Vietnam (1336-1340)
Yugoslavia (1341-1352)
Worldwide single lots and Collections (1353-1368)