USA Gold and Silver Coins (1-1)
People's Republic of China Gold and Silver Coins (2-53)
Russian Gold and Silver Coins (54-61)
United States (62-108)
* Hawaii (109-110)
British Commonwealth (A-G) (111-138)
Hong Kong (139-150)
British Commonwealth (I-Z) (151-177)
Albania (178-185)
Argentina (186-205)
Armenia (206-209)
Austria (210-221)
Belgium (222-223)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (224-238)
Brazil (239-239)
Bulgaria (240-242)
Carpatho - Ukraine (243-291)
Central African Republic (292-292)
Central Lithuania (293-293)
Chile (294-294)
People's Republic of China (295-321)
Colombia (322-323)
Crete - Russian Administration (324-324)
Croatia (325-329)
Czechoslovakia (330-334)
Denmark (335-335)
Eastern Europe (336-336)
Ecuador (337-338)
Estonia (339-341)
Finland (342-353)
France (354-359)
French Colonies (360-364)
Georgia (365-372)
Germany (373-393)
* German Occupation Issues during the WWII (394-407)
Greece (408-409)
Greenland (410-410)
Hungary (411-411)
Iceland (412-414)
Italy (415-416)
Italian Colonies (417-420)
Japan (421-423)
Karelia (424-424)
Korea (425-425)
Republic of Korea (426-428)
North Korea (429-429)
Laos (430-430)
Latvia (431-437)
Lebanon (438-447)
Liberia (448-449)
Liechtenstein (450-455)
Lithuania (456-487)
* Lithuanian DP Camp Issues (488-506)
Monaco (507-508)
Mongolia (509-513)
Montenegro (Italian Occupation) (514-515)
Netherlands (516-516)
Paraguay (517-518)
Poland (519-537)
Portugal (538-539)
Portuguese Colonies (540-541)
Imperial Russia 1848-1917 (542-598)
RSFSR Issues 1918-23 (599-626)
Soviet Union Stamps 1923-41 (627-757)
Soviet Union Stamps 1941-91 (758-945)
* Soviet Union Collective Lots and Collections (946-957)
Russian Semi-Postal Issues (958-969)
Russian Air Post Stamps and Covers (970-993)
Philatelic Exchange Tax Stamps (994-997)
Wenden (998-1000)
Russian Offices in China (1001-1003)
Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire (1004-1005)
Russian Locals of the Civil War period (1006-1034)
Zemstvo (Rural Post Locals) (1035-1134)
* Zemstvo (Rural Post Locals) Collective Lots and Collections (1135-1147)
SAAR (1148-1148)
San Marino (1149-1169)
Saudi Arabia (1170-1177)
Switzerland (1178-1183)
Syria (1184-1194)
Tannu Tuva (1195-1199)
* Trident Overprints (1200-1261)
* General and Local Issues (1262-1294)
* POW, DP Camp and National Council Issues (1295-1325)
Western Ukraine (1326-1335)
South Vietnam (1336-1336)
Vietnam (1337-1338)
Yugoslavia (1339-1362)