People's Republic of China Gold and Silver Coins (1-61)
Russian Gold and Silver Coins (62-81)
United States (82-151)
Great Britain (152-158)
British Commonwealth (A-G) (159-189)
Hong Kong (190-194)
British Commonwealth (I-Z) (195-224)
Afghanistan (225-225)
Albania (226-228)
Argentina (229-229)
Armenia (230-242)
Austria (243-247)
Azerbaijan (248-270)
Bolivia (271-272)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (273-277)
Bulgaria (278-280)
Carpatho - Ukraine (281-320)
China (321-323)
Republic of China (324-324)
People's Republic of China (325-341)
Colombia (342-346)
Crete - Russian Administration (347-349)
Cuba (350-350)
Czechoslovakia (351-359)
Denmark (360-360)
Ecuador (361-364)
Egypt (365-368)
Estonia (369-371)
Finland (372-374)
France (375-386)
French Colonies (387-390)
Georgia (391-396)
Germany (397-433)
* German Occupation Issues during WWII (434-444)
Greece (445-452)
Greenland (453-453)
Hungary (454-454)
Iceland (455-455)
Israel (456-456)
Italy (457-462)
Italian Colonies (463-474)
Japan (475-479)
Korea (480-485)
Latvia (486-489)
* Latvian Collective Lots and Collections (490-496)
Lebanon (497-497)
Liberia (498-500)
Liechtenstein (501-504)
Lithuania (505-519)
* Lithuanian DP Camp Issues (520-536)
Monaco (537-537)
Mongolia (538-544)
Netherlands Colonies (545-545)
North Ingermanland (546-546)
Norway (547-547)
Nyassa (548-552)
Poland (553-560)
Romania (561-562)
Imperial Russia (563-622)
* Imperial Russia Collective Lots and Collections (623-639)
RSFSR Issues 1918-23 (640-660)
* RSFSR Collective Lots and Collections (661-664)
Soviet Union Stamps 1923 -41 (665-777)
Soviet Union Stamps 1941- 51 (778-907)
Soviet Union and Russian Stamps 1951-2008 (908-1033)
* Soviet Union Collective Lots and Collections (1034-1049)
Russian Semi-Postal Issues (1050-1060)
Russian Air Post Stamps and Covers (1061-1089)
Russian Philatelic Exchange Tax Stamps (1090-1094)
North West Army issues (1095-1098)
Russian Offices in China (1099-1106)
Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire (1107-1116)
Russian Locals of Civil War period (1117-1138)
Zemstvo (Rural Post) Locals (1139-1224)
* Zemstvo (Rural Post) Locals Collective Lots and Collections (1225-1228)
SAAR (1229-1230)
Saudi Arabia (1231-1240)
Spain (1241-1242)
Switzerland (1243-1246)
Syria (1247-1249)
Tannu Tuva (1250-1254)
Transcaucasian Federated Republics (1255-1257)
Ukraine (1258-1335)
* Western Ukraine (1336-1340)
Vatican City (1341-1348)
Vietnam (1349-1349)